Leaving a copy on the server - Outlook Express
There may be times when you want to download an email or all emails but leave them on the mail server for downloading on another computer later. This is normally used when travelling with a laptop.
Open Outlook Express
Click Tools in the file menu and select Accounts
Click the Mail Tab and click once on the Madasafish Email Account in the account window to highlight it, then click the Properties button
In the Account Properties, click the Advanced Tab
Place tick in Leave a copy of messages on server. You are then given the option of leaving it on for a specified period of time. This is optional. You can also choose to delete mail from the server when you delete the mail on your machine, again this is optional.
Click OK and OK. Click the Close button on the Accounts window
Note: Madasafish recommends that you remove downloaded emails from the server at least once every 7 days or you may utilise the full POP3 mail box space. New mail will not be delivered if you mailbox is full. You will however receive and email informing you that your mailbox is approaching full when it reaches 75% full.
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